The Challenge

Shift Clean Energy, a pioneer in the decarbonization of the marine industry, brought Yulu on board to help navigate the challenge of working within an industry where the climate impact is not well reported, and the industry itself is hesitant to change with a number of technologies that are competing to be the decarbonization option of choice.


The Strategy

Yulu started by redeveloping Shift’s visual branding and messaging, simplifying the language and focusing on the solutions it provided to the industry and beyond. We helped position Shift and its executive team as thought-leaders across Linkedin by optimizing their pages and leveraging consistent visuals and engaging captions.

We then took an education-first approach to highlight the impact that the marine industry has on the climate, and that there are solutions ready today to help decarbonize. Prior to launch, Yulu facilitated desk-side meetings with crucial media contacts, aiding their education journey and helping them understand how Shift’s technology can bring about positive change in a traditionally hard-to-abate sector. We also helped make waves online with a full calendar of social media content focused on Shift’s technology and business developments that cut through feeds by communicating Shift’s impact.


The Results & Impact

Within the first six months of kickstarting Shift’s media relations campaign, Yulu secured 150 pieces of coverage, including key national and regional outlets such as CBC, BNN Bloomberg, Business in Vancouver and BC Business, reaching a readership of over 78 million. We also helped generate close to 50,000 impressions and more than 2,500 engagements on Linkedin.