Converging your online and offline communities.

We incorporate digital media strategies into our campaigns to ensure our clients are connecting and engaging with their audiences online. Our digital media division includes social media, SEO/SEM, advertising, and online reputation management services.

Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Pinterest are powerful direct-to-public platforms, which can be utilized to build community, listen and engage with global audiences. Brand continuity is vital in developing an effective strategy that accurately represents your voice across all channels.

Digital Marketing

In a PR setting, we’re biased when it comes to earned media vs. paid media – but there are times that an ad can definitely help complement a marketing campaign. Yulu will work with your team to determine which online advertising platforms are appropriate for your marketing goals. From Google Ad Words to Facebook ads, we will strategize, design, and execute your online campaigns and you will be left with a report rich with analytics, figures and stats.

Yulu’s formula for social media success is simple:

  • Humanize your brand
  • Find your community
  • Listen
  • Engage
  • Measure the impact

Social Media services include

  • Social media strategy
  • Community building/content curation
  • Influencer/blogger outreach
  • Ad Campaigns, contesting, events
  • Online reputation management/online monitoring
  • Campaign measurement

View our other areas of expertise.