October 31, 2024
Yulu is pleased to announce that Charlotte Gilmour has been appointed Managing Director of Environmental Impact.
Since founding Yulu’s Environmental Practice in 2017, Charlotte has dedicated her time and energy to scaling our climate communications expertise, alongside building our team of dedicated climate communications practitioners.
Charlotte explains: “Communications is proven to accelerate climate action, whether that’s by increasing market awareness and education, changing corporate or consumer behaviors or attracting investment. Communication has catalytic potential, and yet, too often remains an untapped tool in the climate action ecosystem.”
Under Charlotte’s leadership, our team at Yulu has had the privilege of representing over 30 climate action leaders including: Pano AI, Pachama, Carbon Engineering, Lithos Carbon, FUNGA, Lightstar Renewables, The Nature Trust of British Columbia, WWF-Canada, Squamish River Watershed Society, and The Society for the Protection of Underground Networks, among many others.
Charlotte’s appointment comes at a time when climate action is more urgent than ever. NOAA reports that carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere faster than ever in human history, hitting 427 parts per million in May 2024 and we’re now living with the consequences of more extreme weather events including wildfires, hurricanes and floods. Climate change isn’t theoretical; it’s here. We must use every climate solution available, and communications is too often overlooked as a driver of change.
Charlotte continues: “Communication is also critical for climate justice. If we’re to create an equitable and sustainable future for all, then communication is an essential enabler to ensure marginalized voices are heard and all perspectives are involved in decision-making.”
As Charlotte steps into the role as Managing Director of Environmental Impact, priority market segments include: sustainable industries, conservation and restoration, decarbonization, climate adaptation, and climate justice.