We are YuluCatalyst, Yulu’s dedicated Behavior Change Division – where communication meets transformation.

Our inspiration? It’s simple. Behaviors are powerful. Not only can behaviors bring about positive change to lives, communities and the environment, but ingrained or unconscious behaviors have just as much power to hinder it. 

That’s where we come in. Our mission is to support positive and measurable behavior change by using Impact Communications to drive meaningful decisions that benefit society and/or the environment. 

If you’ve heard of the ‘butterfly effect,’ you’ll understand the impact of decisions on a life’s trajectory. We apply the same theory to behavior change. A seemingly minor positive behavior change can set off a chain reaction, rippling out and inspiring actions beyond ourselves. It’s this butterfly effect that catalyzes meaningful and widespread behavior change movements. 

Looking at the big picture of what needs to change can be daunting, especially in our current societal and environmental climate, but meaningful change doesn’t happen overnight. 

If you’re looking for a partner to catalyze your impact, consider this your first step in the right direction.

Impact Consulting

We offer our clients a comprehensive solution that brings together the best of both worlds: the power to make a change and the strategy to ensure that change is made.

  • COM-B analysis of behaviour change
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Industry benchmarking
  • Key voices interviews

Impact Communications + Storytelling

At the core of every positive behavior change is a powerful message. We’ve got you covered there; impactful storytelling is our bread and butter. But, we’re also much more: we are a team of strategists, creatives, consultants, researchers, designers, advocates, advertisers, allies, experts and more.

  • Communications planning
  • Strategic communications
  • Media training
  • Media relations
  • Internal communications
  • Community relations
  • Influencer relations
  • Social media

Impact Assessment + Measurement

By centering equity and justice in our approach, alongside behavioral science models we ensure that our communications not only drive individual behavior change but also contribute to broader systemic shifts toward a more just and sustainable society.

  • Build a measurement framework
  • Track progress

View our other areas of expertise.