September 18, 2017
We’re honored to announce that Yulu was awarded “Agency of the Year” in Ragan’s PR Daily CSR Awards.
The CSR Awards are awarded to agencies who use storytelling as a creative tool to champion a cause. They seek to recognize campaigns and organizations that aim to make the world a smarter, safer, healthier, and more sustainable place.
Over the past year, we worked on a number of campaigns tackling issues such as environmental change, social entrepreneurship, and transgender rights. Our client, Genus Fossil Free, has not only been a breakthrough player in fossil-free investing, but also lent a hand to university divestment movements happening all over the country. The Red Bull Amaphiko Academy is an example of how major brands can move smoothly into the social impact space with the intent to uplift those who may not have the resources to do so themselves. And we always turn to the B Corp community when it comes to taking a stand for what’s right.
We look to our clients to lead the charge in these areas and are proud to say that we’re making a difference by sharing stories that matter.
Of course, the journey doesn’t just end at an award. We asked the team what this award means for the social impact space and what differentiates Yulu from the other fish in the sea. Here’s what they said:
“Our ability to think big, bold and strategically helps us develop the greatest impact for our clients. Our consultancy extends beyond the company or organization and looks at how a brand can advance an industry and inspire others to improve standards through authentic communications,” says our Managing Director, Clare Hamilton-Eddy. “Winning this award will hopefully allow other communications and CSR practitioners understand what we’re doing in the Impact Relations space, and look at how they can do similar – if they’re not already. It helps shine a spotlight on an important element of communications and demonstrates how it’s evolving. Yulu will continue lead the charge and champion this through our work and networks.”
“Yulu is an agency that sees a higher purpose beyond prestige and column inches. It is a rare privilege in modern PR to be able to work with clients and colleagues who want to make a positive social and environmental impact on the world around them. Yulu is at the forefront of championing social innovation and it is great to be recognized by PR Daily in this space.” Account Manager Nora Eastwood says.
“Social impact is in our blood,” says Director of Client Relations Charlotte Gilmour. “Yulu hosts an Impact Council every two weeks, where we explore one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and in between, we all share ‘need to know’ news on global issues via our internal chat room. Encouraging the team to learn and keep up to date on these global issues, gives us an edge in our area of specialty – Impact Relations.”
While this is a great honour, we know that there’s still much to be done in the social impact space. Yulu looks forward to continuing our work with our partners who are committed to using their business as a force for good and sharing their stories. Thank you to Ragan PR Daily for this great honour, here’s to another great year.