Yulu worked with Grosvenor to launch Ambleside


West Vancouver’s Ambleside neighbourhood was on the verge of undergoing a major facelift in the 1300 block of Marine Drive. Similar to the creation of Granville Island and the Olympic Village, the District of Ambleside and developer Grosvenor engaged Co-Design to assist in gathering the community’s thoughts, recommendations, concerns and wishes, to create a thriving community asset for the gateway neighbourhood to West Vancouver. Keep reading to learn about Yulu’s support with community engagement and government relations for this project.

Community Engagement

Working with the brilliant team at Co-Design, Yulu and the Grosvenor team organized community “ideas fairs”, which served as collaborative, public charrettes; engaging the community by sketching the vision of what the future of Ambleside could look like. We invited both residents of the community, as well as many of the local business owners to take part. For many of “ideas fairs” we held for Ambleside, Yulu had media present to document a community in the making. Some of the coverage we secured included features from CBC, CTV, Global, North Shore News, Vancouver Sun and North Shore Outlook.

Government Relations


Yulu facilitated news conferences and public gifting ceremonies to share with the media Grosvenor’s community give-back initiatives. Grosvenor worked with art curators to source both temporary and permanent public art. Media prepping was provided to the team before the conference.